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***周永昕(拾杯水)占星專欄 >
2012年2月星座运程预测周永昕 / 2012-02-03
深刻、焦灼的思考,超脱的割舍,节日过后,逐步明朗。 【白羊座】★★★☆ 生活妙趣横生,你有太多快乐的理由,让你心情舒畅,如沐春风,绽放欢颜。然而,烦恼隐约心头,如影相随,事不由己,即使不满、担心也只能作罢,只能沉默是金,暗自关注,你谨小慎微,时刻提着一颗心。 个人价值提升、大举创收,意义重大,财务状况可能有质的改变,好事居多,也可能如火如荼开展新的任务,或原工作面临改革和大调整,有挑战更有收获。你前景光明,大刀阔斧,全情投入,无惧困难与险阻,做事凌厉而迅速。注意某(些)人不好应付,这是你绕不过的课题,必须面对及作出调整,如果前景实在不佳,告别、放弃也许是最佳选择。本月你仍免不了操劳或支出庞杂,容易吃多喝多。 你可能容易睡不好或睡不够,也许因为环境、处境的转变,生活作息习惯有变,或旧患翻发,思虑过多让你有点神经衰弱,另一方面,烦恼也许来自一直以来最亲密的人,要注意家人健康。你最好迅速调适,患得患失、拖泥带水是看不见的绊脚石。 饮食宜少油少盐,谷类食品有助调节神经,助你反应灵敏、明智淡定。 ●恋爱运:★★★☆ ●事业运:★★★★☆ ●财运:★★★★ 没有任何人能阻挡,你对自由的向往。人生有了强烈的奔头,展现新貌,你可能大肆改头换面,或坚决奉行新的行动纲领,或兴奋投入某个“兴趣点”、新举措,如某种生活娱乐方式、兴趣爱好、恋爱、孩子、宠物或兴致勃勃的项目等,甚者有点头脑发热。你活得彻底,活得精彩,活得痛快,可能在陌生异域获得灵感,视野大开,或攻克、掌握某种高深学问,更具深刻洞悉力,境界更高,让人刮目、钦佩、不可小视。 你服从内心,目标明确,只做想做、爱做的事,竭尽所能,义无反顾,无惧任何艰难险阻,不达目标绝不放弃,甚至不择手段。你充满自信,自我意识强烈,切忌妄自尊大,不可一世。 某人,或某些社交关系给新生活蒙上薄薄阴影,你不得不为之沟通、解释、说教、走动,同时也为之左思右想,计划、推敲、斟酌。没关系,这些都无法阻绕你迈入新生活,些微苦楚犹如激励,最终结果只是让你更智慧,更清醒而已。 吃喝玩乐可以增进感情,一顿亲热共享的美食,如火锅、有情调的西餐等,能帮你打通对方的任督二脉,让对方听进你的话,别忘了,小酌可以怡情。 ●恋爱运:★★★★ ●事业运:★★★☆ ●财运:★★★ 你的脚步变得零碎。为了事业、前途、为了争取或完成某项重要任务,让你操心多劳,因为涉及面广,需要有所牺牲,所以常常思考、斟酌、计划、走动,容易心情起起伏伏、疲累不适。你也可能遭到权威的误解和歪曲,注意做事别出错,别相信一面之词,解决问题的锦囊是利他精神。 你可能难以安定,尤其上旬,可能有罗嗦家事,也可能不得不东奔西顾,难以安坐家中,你可能内心躁动不安,休息不够或休息不好。习以为常的某人某事,可能是你身处的环境、处境,曾经熟悉而亲密的人,或长久建立的生活习惯,积蓄,长期依赖的资源等,“被”深刻改变,大势将在20日左右清晰,像高山上滚下的石头,切勿企图制止。这是一段必要的动荡期,折腾难免,也是解决、清理老旧问题、家庭问题、家居问题的大好时机,是时候发力去完善内在生活、私人世界了,月中将了然于胸。 月中有爱,人际交往轻松滋润。花旗参凝神静气,让你轻松面对各种罗嗦事。 ●恋爱运:★★★ ●事业运:★★☆ ●财运:★★★ 投资有小回报,工作有小成绩、小进账,同时你可能为事业前途、某些重要项目、权威、或钱财问题担忧无奈、隐忍不快。上旬有新鲜收获,有口福尝鲜,或买到特别的东西,场合热闹。 某(些)人让你越发关注、越发在意、越发兴奋,或越发焦虑、烦恼、不省心,对方可能有着特殊的遭遇,你不好应付,头崩额裂,心急火燎,甚至不惜使用强烈方式解决。另一方面,也许新关系进展如火如荼,公诸于世。你的能量也可能集中在某个让你兴致勃勃、充满新鲜感的领域,每天如海绵般吸收新知新技能,小宇宙高转运行,天天向上。这些都免不了让你勤思考,多说多写,多听多看,多走动,来来回回地花精力,注意出入安全。 这是你有可能获得超脱的日子,某些纠结多年的问题,正陆续结束,也许是时候解脱了。 红肉如牛、羊、猪肉等,能为你转速迅猛的生活提供足够的精力。 ●恋爱运:★★★☆ ●事业运:★★★★☆ ●财运:★★★★ 你壮志骄阳,旗开得胜,大展拳脚,紧凑运用时间、动用资源,过兵斩将,高绩高效,有一两项任务过去没怎么做过的,成绩显著,完成得十分漂亮,让你身价倍增。你也可能有钱财的较大进出,收入大增、开创了新的财源,或重拳出击,为某件实用有价值的东西大撒金钱。你蜡烛两头烧,一头是你热切憧憬的人生功绩(可能是工作项目,也可能是生活要务),火热开展,另一头是你的家、你熟悉的阵地,即将或正在改变,两头都重要,都要花时间花精力,还要不时按捺内心的不安,不断调适,注意容易吃多喝多。 生活妙趣横生,你有太多快乐的理由,让你心情舒畅,如沐春风,绽放欢颜。然而,烦恼隐约心头,如影相随,事不由己,即使不满、担心也只能作罢,只能沉默是金,暗自关注,你谨小慎微,时刻提着一颗心。 个人价值提升、大举创收,意义重大,财务状况可能有质的改变,好事居多,也可能如火如荼开展新的任务,或原工作面临改革和大调整,有挑战更有收获。你前景光明,大刀阔斧,全情投入,无惧困难与险阻,做事凌厉而迅速。注意某(些)人不好应付,这是你绕不过的课题,必须面对及作出调整,如果前景实在不佳,告别、放弃也许是最佳选择。本月你仍免不了操劳或支出庞杂,容易吃多喝多。 你可能容易睡不好或睡不够,也许因为环境、处境的转变,生活作息习惯有变,或旧患翻发,思虑过多让你有点神经衰弱,另一方面,烦恼也许来自一直以来最亲密的人,要注意家人健康。你最好迅速调适,患得患失、拖泥带水是看不见的绊脚石。 饮食宜少油少盐,谷类食品有助调节神经,助你反应灵敏、淡泊明志。 ●恋爱运:★★★★☆ ●事业运:★★★★★ ●财运:★★★★ 你仍旧勇敢积极,精力旺盛,容易上火,很想放松一下多看看新鲜事,多玩玩,但事多活动多,把你绑住,此起彼伏,休息时间也零零碎碎要弄不少事, 生活犹如赶场。家人、旧识、熟悉的人让你滋润轻松,可能收获小馈赠,你也可能慷慨待人。 你要戴眼识人,可能有来自他人的担忧或麻烦,让你纠结而挣扎。瑰丽蓝图难辨真伪,目眩神迷,让你无比神往,而你本能地精于计算,酒醉三分醒,知道现实仍有许多问题有待考验、克服,因此常常左思右想,计划、斟酌下一步,免不了要跟人说教、解释、走动。甚者眼前的关系不被看好,但可能已经沉迷其中。 你可能坚决、强烈地奉行新的行动纲领,或兴奋投入某个“兴趣点”,很有奔头,可能在陌生异域获得灵感,视野大开,或攻克、掌握某种高深学问,更具深刻洞悉力,境界更上一层,同时分享所得,公告天下,让人刮目、不可小视。 月初某人让你火。 ●恋爱运:★★★☆ ●事业运:★★★☆ ●财运:★★★☆ 几度轻松聚会,有热闹场合,你常获他人关照,友善对待,滋润且开心。手头上一下子多了一堆需要计划、奔波的罗嗦事,让你白天总有赶场的感觉。钱财这头精打细算,那头窟窿不知不觉越捅越大。 这些年,通过某件事、某(些)人,你已经深刻了解到人生的完整性,也使你变得更完善、坚强,你已经切实地走了一段征程,脚步虽沉重,却能让你感到自由、坦荡,让你更清晰何去何从。此刻,你认为已经想明白了,现在必须具体“产出”些东西了,你正在或者正计划着开展某些新的任务,开创新生计,夯实基础,为自己创造价值。虽然大局已定,但万事起头难,总有些事会拖延进程、甚至搁置。 你的家居、身处的环境、处境,或重要的人事将加速深刻转变,内心躁动不安,作息有所调整。你可能会割舍个人利益,或放弃、告别某样习惯而熟悉的事物,熟人、生活习惯等。 ●恋爱运:★★★★ ●事业运:★★ ●财运:★★★ 如果你要给人生建立一种新的秩序,首先你必须打破腐朽的、陈旧的!告别那些没有发展前景、不健康的人、事、环境!你已经深刻认识有些人或事需要你改变、放弃或放手了,甚至已经“被”有所动作,“被”作出改变了,那是你熟悉的人或事,或多年所作所为的结果,如家人、旧识,前景不佳的关系、项目,或坏习惯、积蓄等。然而此际,问题可能反复,你欲断难断,未来的朦胧构想暂搁,即使已经开展的新计划、新生活也将有所拖慢、阻滞,孤独、失落感也许再度袭来,这是敦促你彻底了结问题,犹如分娩前的阵痛,不可抗的现实要尽快接受。 你可能想活得有意思一点、超然一点,愿意花更多的心神、智慧在感兴趣的事情上,毕竟你也有自己喜欢的人或喜欢的事,即使操心、用心,心灵仍感自由自在。 你广结善缘,同时将深刻地调整亲疏关系,将竭力建立、完善,或放弃某(些)关系,但有一两个问题感到陌生、棘手。若是新关系,对方有点特别,进展迅速,公诸于世。你也可能强度极大地奔波、往返、沟通、学习,在某些充满新鲜感的领域,当中有些事你不熟悉,你兴致高昂,绝不气馁,生涩地努力着。有机会奔赴异地,别开生面。 灵芝等,能为你转速迅猛的生活提供足够的精力。 ●恋爱运:★★★★☆ ●事业运:★★★☆ ●财运:★★★ 你可能有来自家、处境的困扰、困惑,为此动荡不安、思虑过多,不断计划、斟酌、出主意,容易神经衰弱,睡不好, 旧患翻发。也许某些问题早已陷入泥沼,需要花大力气抽身而退,缓慢调适,切忌患得患失、拖泥带水。你也可能有被流放的无依感,像无脚的小鸟找不到立足之地,问题绕不过,只要你内心坚定、强大,便能自建一座牢固的房子,为你遮风挡雨。 生活节奏零碎,你大力推进某些有价值的事,日忙夜忙,节奏紧凑,计划多变。还好你精力旺盛,雷厉风行,勇字当头,完成得干净利索,让你收获巨大,身价倍增。你可能支出庞杂,重拳出击,为某件实用有价值的东西大撒金钱,也可能收入大增,财务状况有质的改变。切忌急噪冲动、大手大脚,注意容易上火,别吃多喝撑了。 可能因为某些事或某些人,使你朦胧认识到,自己并不是拥有无限的机会和选择,过去的很多想法或做法已经意义不大或者站不住脚了,是时候制定为期两年的韬光养晦、养精蓄锐、充电学习的计划了。有来自人的压力和烦恼也许重新袭来,有人在敦促教导你,现在是你总结过去2年多来为他人、为社会带来什么的时候。 ●恋爱运:★★★☆ ●事业运:★★★★☆ ●财运:★★★☆ 你已经经历了约2年的事业压力,或任务的繁重,此际,虽然你仍挑着重担,但你可以用更超然的态度俯视和回望这一历程,一些嘉奖、任命,或弹劾,让你看到过去的努力有多巩固。 这些年来,你有着至少一次方向性的深刻转变,关乎人生重心,也关乎你久往将来成为怎样的人,所以这几年甚至一直在调整车头,不断寻求突破。此刻,又是你可以给力的时候。 有那么一两件你热切追求、热切喜欢的事、物或人,让你更清晰自己想要什么样的人生,怎样才能让人生有价值,你目标清晰,不计得失,勇敢追寻,只做想做、爱做的事,竭尽所能,无惧任何艰难险阻,不达目标绝不放弃,甚至不择手段。生活活色生香,内心充满温暖,充满爱。你兴奋投入某个“兴趣点”,如游学考察、打扮、或某种娱乐、爱好、恋爱、孩子、宠物,或感兴趣的项目等,充满乐趣,憧憬而激动,也让你焦急、兴奋,真是活得痛快!有机会到异域走走接触新鲜事,视野大开。注意进出安全。 ●恋爱运:★★★★☆ ●事业运:★★★☆ ●财运:★★★★ 你的家居、身处的环境、处境,或重要的人事迅速深刻转变(尤其是你原生家庭的家居、某人或某事),你可能不得不决然放弃、告别某样习惯而熟悉的事物,熟人,或某种原本安稳的状态、生活习惯等。这是一段必要的动荡期,折腾难免,也是解决、清理老旧问题、家庭问题、家居问题的大好时机,是时候去完善内在生活、私人世界了,月中将了然于胸。 你可能准备或已经开始了新工作或新任务,事业发展将要或正在调整方向,将承担更新、更沉重的任务,历经漫长考验。万事起头难,在你模糊感到肩上的担子有多重的此刻,却可能因为种种原因进展遭遇拖延、搁置。 因为他人的支出、耗损多且杂。月初有比较特殊的开支,你这头精打细算,那头的窟窿却不知不觉,越捅越大。月中人际交往轻松滋润, 但你内心躁动不安,欲望强烈,也可能因为某人而恼怒不安。作息不断调整。 ●恋爱运:★★★ ●事业运:★★☆ ●财运:★★ 生活节奏零碎,月初对某人看不惯,罗嗦或背后牢骚,无果。你常常左思右想,计划、斟酌、犹豫、计算,充满细节,条条道理似乎十分理性,同时内心充满担忧、挂心,在相关的人前,你会诉说担忧和不满。 你的某些想法、某些行动也许难以获得他人的理解和信任。你认为你已经明白或决定了什么,但也许你其实更困惑,更不着边际、更不确定了!你的内心可能弥漫着一股芳香迷烟,让你不是沉迷,就是不负责任地游离。甚者可能用自己坚信的那套开创新生,即使没有足够的理论、资源支撑,也可能想进入某个不被理解、无法具体认知的领域,或某些不被看好的关系,也许你每天都在画着瑰丽蓝图,陶醉其中。 另一种可能是,你可能有无依感,像无脚的鸟儿,东奔西顾找不到一处让灵魂停驻的平整之地,问题有外在原因,更有你的态度和选择,切忌自欺欺人。 ●恋爱运:★★★ 单身人有不少机会,长久的爱情更需要理智责任感,和一定的现实基础,桃花很美,容易让人冲昏头脑,尤其是烂桃花。未必是时候确定关系,只有当了解对方的方方面面均真实而且有发展前景时,才适合真正投入。部分有伴者也注意,别头脑发热做日后后悔的事。 ●事业运:★★★★ 做事零碎,有小成绩。从事交易、公关等互动频繁的工作可长袖善舞,借东风,动用八方资源,无往不利,有些情况你没怎么遇到过,要好好思考对策,同时要注意消息的真实性。 ●财运:★★★ 你有小收入、小进账,也许来得意外,来得凑巧。 —————————————————————————————————————————————————注:以上预测需同时考虑上升星座。 声明:版权属于周永昕(拾杯水),欢迎转载,须注明出处。
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The information presented is often a twill nylon manufactured by Gore Tex. Demonstrating plenty of individuality, but without having around-energizing whatever you can have on from it. It seems quite long-lasting after months of maltreatment I simply cannot use whatever level of usage.-
The primary knowledge due to this case is within the launching design. The complete model of the openingOrflap was created to seal the case when sealed. They migrated the opening at the top-collection to not only close up the case, but will also seal the sides of your launching. It is not the latest technique, yet it's still surprisingly rare.
To ensure the fold may happen every time you open and shut the case, they have extra a Delay an orgasm panel strip within a section of your launching cell reinforcing the top with this a single. Quite wise!
The add-on of your tie to your case is weighed quite nicely then it can't angle on by itself. They placed each buckles at details which don't open the case every time you raise it by either the take care of or the tie! Individuals makers at Porter have take the time to think about it and offered their item the interest rate and love it have earned.
&The main points will not be the small print. They cook the structure.– Charles Eames
One other crucial knowledge because of this case is all about pocketing. Messengers are acknowledged to do great for mild a good deal and number of objects, but in regards to firm it may chuck them out. Not this particular one. They have got thought of speedy small things entry compared to primary safe-keeping.
This ends in the design of the vast wallet on the flap, so you're able to entry your complete small things like mp3, digicam, dog pens as well as other things without needing to open the case. Appears easy to understand but a majority messengers be unsuccessful in this subject. Commonly, pockets on the flap are chiseled in order that they make their articles push inwards, or it will make the flap excessively heavy. This wallet was made so it's not within your encounter, quite realistic and seems the main whole case even if is it a gusseted wallet. Appreciate this function!
Buckles and pressure connectors:
The webbing programs for the front side pink nike Lunar Shoe buckles are plenty of, contributing to no irritating tangling webbing. In addition, they wrap within the starting which means you could throw a weather coat and move it within the webbing.
It's possible we have a tip of any soda color anywhere to raise the alcohol free search. Creating a mono coloring case is fine, but I may have cherishedjust a little astonish fine detail anywhere.
In all honesty there wasn't a lot I do not like concerning this case. Because I love it 90Percent of the time (hauling my note guide, pc, digicam as well as other small things), once I include things like a bit more like bottle water, meal or even a fleece, all this combinations with replenisher converter cables along with the case begins to struck Fight Neighborhood. That can be done nevertheless it, nevertheless it looses its beauty.
If it was 5Percent larger in volume, I possibly could go with it as well. I guess that is generally the downside to messengers, they often stick out out when filled as all content are fighting for the same centre area.
The make tie had a small sleeping pad, that seems pretty cheap and ineffective. I removed it, and only allow webbing sit on my make (amazingly at ease in a tiny case this way). The case seriously isn't heavy enough to experience any soreness with the nylon webbing tie. This is the circumstance when models include things like parts to load the typical concept of item wants, without having thinking about fact (on’t get me moving on the earphones wire plastic badges in rucksacks).
Laptop computer:
The Messenger posseses an central papers sleeve in places you slip a 15” pc without having deal with. For many people this is a problem. I did not make use of a deal with and find 2 issues. Initial I had been far more cautious while using case, secondly each and every time I placed notebook within the case I made certain the display screen the main pc was dealing with the interior of the case around remaining towards my body. It absolutely was a great technique to prevent tension on the watch's screen. Needless to say for many individuals the thinking behind possessing a deal with round the Laptop computer will be a whole lot improved.
Wavering Pocketing:
One thing losing, and I will need to say it's losing in all messenger luggage, are section pockets. If you load your messenger you can virtually generally discover far more space within the edges. It would have been good to possess some uncomplicated pockets there. The middle suspending wallet wasn't a lot use for me personally because the out of doors a single got the part and whenever I'd the case complete anything I make the central wallet was beginning attack while using case content and launching the full case for any pen sensed too a lot.
When you searching for a case that actually works in the office, along with everyday activity, it will fit with. Just remember you need to have the lowest tactic that will require getting around with only exactly what you need, not the just in case chaos.
Not best for:Individuals who have a weeks price of documentation or perhaps a 17” pc. All of you need an extremely larger case. Also, the price tag on this stylish case can sting just a little. Porter is known as on the costly section, which is why I guess you have a whole lot love right into a wise case.
Summary:Ive generally battled to discover superior case that actually works in several spots and times. Get the job done and engage in are merging and discovering products integrate this new centre ground is way from straightforward. Require a sensible stylish classic touching and you will too start off thinking in Santa claus again. Nevertheless this Porter messenger is becoming rather in close proximity to it – wise, sensible, nicely done it take some far more beauty being just ideal in case you hold just a few important matters every day.
The hinderance? Look at discovering a single beyond a Porter primary keep in Okazaki, japan!
The Porter Guard huge messenger retails for 30,975 JPY (almost USMoney400).